10 Tips to Deal with Kitchen Clutter

One of the messiest places in our home is the kitchen and it is indeed the only place from where we can expect extreme cleanliness. Most kitchens are stacked with things that we no longer use or we will use “one day”! So to help you cook efficiently and waste less food, here are 10 tips to help you deal with kitchen clutter.

  1. Keep counter clear – If you have a small counter, it is important that you keep it clear. Paper towels, fruit baskets, and other things should be limited on the counter. Place fruit baskets on the table (if you have a table in the kitchen). Keep your easy-to-lift appliances in areas that are not that obvious.
  2. Get rid of excess items – There’s nothing wrong in removing things that are taking up space. Throw away food that is expired, broken plates, glasses, and mismatched storage containers, especially these, (you know you’re never gonna find them again). If you don’t want to throw it, you can always donate.
  3. Keep spices at hand length – If the spices that you use most of the times are taking space on the counter, then why not make art? Install a pegboard to ease your hand at spices!
  4. Dump duplicates – Limit your need for duplicate! Throwing away duplicates is one of the easiest ways to quell clutter in your drawers. Get rid of things that are older than your kids!
  5. Start sorting out your crockery – Do you have a lot of chipped crockery that you don’t use anymore? Then, it is time to throw it away! Keep crockery that you are going to use in spaces that you see every day. Don’t ignore crockery that you have for over five years.
  6. Work on your kitchen’s storage capacity – If you are someone who likes to collect everything, then you need to work on your kitchen’s storage capacity. Use slide-out storage systems to help keep food items in a safe and clean place. Whether you have a walk-in or shelves pantry, better organize it purposefully to help you out in the future.
  7. Spend 10 minutes decluttering at night – Don’t forget that clutter breeds more clutter, so spend 10 minutes of your night to declutter your kitchen. It changes the look of your kitchen as a whole.
  8. Clean before you start working – Always clean the kitchen before you start working. Empty the dishwasher, the dish rack, and sink completely, it eases your way to work in no mess.
  9. Keep lids separately if possible – Organize your storage containers by placing them in a place where you will easily get hold of them. As for the lids, you can install a rack to hold the lids separately. You can find the correct lid easily.
  10. Use ceiling and walls – Don’t be afraid to hang utensils from ceilings and walls! It helps for everyday use.

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