Top 6 Tip To Organize Your Closet
Spring is coming, and it is coming faster than we expect. This means that you have to clean your home from floor to roof, and this also means that you also have to clean and organize your closet. Cleaning can be a real hassle, and so is organizing it, but this is something that you have to do to keep your sanity in check.
If you are someone like me, then you have a load of clothes in your wardrobe, then it means that it is a hellscape to organize and you dread it every time. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of our tips for cleaning and organizing your closet.
1. Take an inventory of the contents of your closet
Take out all the clothes in your closet and sort them into two piles: clothes to donate and clothes to keep. An item that has not been worn for two years should be donated. This exercise can be repeated each time the season changes. If your closet space is limited, store out-of-season clothing and accessories in storage bins or vacuum bags in the basement or under the bed. Store shoes that you regularly wear on shelves and others in storage boxes.
2. Maximize space
There are an incredible number of clever storage solutions on the market. Don’t waste a square inch of space by adding storage accessories like shelves, boxes, and hooks. On an open wall or behind the closet door, adding hooks will allow you to have your jewelry, belts, and purses within easy reach. Storage boxes placed at the top of shelves and directly on the floor will give you more space.
3. Group clothes by category
Compartmentalization is the key to a well-organized closet. Group together pants, skirts, dresses, long-sleeved shirts, short-sleeved sweaters, etc. This will make it easier for you to find your clothes in the morning. You can then subdivide each category by color. Add dividers to your drawers to store your underwear, socks, and accessories separately. Finally, place the clothes you use most often in plain view in the middle of the closet and the others at the back or sides.
4. Store vertically
Popularized by storage queen Marie Kondo, the technique of folding and storing clothes vertically has gained many fans. No more having to unravel a pile of sweaters to get to the last sweater in the back. This method allows you to fit more sweaters in the same space while still allowing you to see everything at a glance.
5. Keep it tidy
Once you’ve done all the hard work of organizing, stick to the place you’ve assigned to each piece of clothing. Put them away each time in the same place you picked them up. Then, as soon as a new item of clothing enters the closet, another one from the same category should come out. Finally, repeat all of these steps at least twice a year, in the winter and the summer.
6. Sort your wardrobe by style or color
Now it’s time to start getting organized. This can be tricky because many people don’t know where to start, but having a vision in mind always helps. We suggest sorting by color or style. This will make finding the outfit you want easier when you look through your wardrobe.
If you’re sorting by color, start with neutral tones at one end and gradually blend them in. You can then move on to gray, navy blue, and white starting with black. For the more colorful pieces in your wardrobe, try starting with the darkest tones and moving to the brightest options.
If you opt to sort by style, we suggest thinking about the different occasions you want to dress for and sorting them by type of item, such as T-shirts, then shirts, pants, coats, etc. This way, what you’re looking for is always in a nice flow, so you can instantly go into your closet and choose something that suits you without having to search for it for hours. Your clothes should be kept together for the most special occasions, with plenty of space between them to keep them in the best condition possible.
Final thoughts
Now that you’ve carefully placed the “to keep” pile in your perfect dream closet, let us take care of the rest: a simple phone call is all it takes! Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about organizing your closet.
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