Turn Mason Jars Into Cute Home Décor (Part 2)
Many homeowners are unaware of the various uses of Mason jars outside the kitchen. Ever thought that a mason jar could be used as a toothbrush holder or as an air freshener?
Well, if you want to give your home a new touch, have a look at how simple mason jars can be integrated into your home’s décor.
Beautiful Stained Glass Mason Jars
What you’ll need:
- White, red blue and yellow colored gallery glass paint
- Black liquid leading
- Gallery glass peel
- Stick lead lining
Instructions to make the Beautiful Stained Glass Mason Jars
Step 1: You start by mapping out your Mondrian pattern and for that, you’ll need to use the gallery glass peel and stick lead lining. And, don’t worry, the cutting part is really easy –forget a butter knife, you can even cut it using your fingernails.
Step 2: Now, use the black liquid leading to fill in all the gaps between the lead lines. You can start applying directly to the bottom’s tip.
Step 3: Once you’ve done applying, allow the liquid leading to dry.
Step 4: Once the leading has dried, start applying the gallery glass colors. All the bottles usually have small tips so you can just start applying directly from the jar.
Note: In this stage, you need to be very careful when applying the colors. Adding too much can ruin your project.
Step 5: Once you’ve applied the first coat, let it dry and then proceed to add a second coat of each color.
Step 6: Let the paint dry. If you want to add another coat or two, it’s completely up to you. And, once the jar is ready, you can add a scented candle inside.
“This is simply awesome! I’m definitely making these for outdoor entertaining this summer! I’m sure they will turn out pretty. My mom’s gonna love this.” –From Maggie
“This is just brilliant and I think I got another brilliant idea. I am going to have to do this for my guest bathroom along with my kitchen. And, if they really work, I’m going to do some more and add them to my yard. I really love this idea!!” – From N
Air Freshener
What you’ll need:
- Air freshener beads
- Some artificial flowers
- A painted jar
Instructions to make the Beautiful Stained Glass Mason Jars
Step 1: You start by gathering all the supplies you need. And, for the painted jar, I suggest using chalk paint to paint the whole Mason jar.
Step 2: Take all the air freshener beads you have and pour them all in the jar. Oh and do yourself a favor and do this over a sink if you don’t want to end up with a disaster.
Step 3: Now, add all the artificial flowers you have inside the jar.
“This is such a wonderful idea and love that it doesn’t look like the run of the mill air fresheners. Thank you for sharing your idea” – From Anie
“This is such a cool idea! i work at dollar tree and i always wondered if those fake flowers actually had a good use xD do u think it would still work well with glass soda bottles?” – From Emily
“hmmm… I’m not sure. I wonder if the opening is big enough to allow the smell out?? If you give it a try let us know how it works out please.” – From Joden
“I was wondering the same thing. I have a hard time finding air freshers that actually give off much scent.” – From Nina
“Did you get the flowers at the Dollar Tree as well? I looked in the flower section in my local Dollar Tree and the options weren’t very visually appealing” – From Brit
“I think it could also work if use an old glass milk bottle like the milk man used to deliver with the name of the dairy on it. flea markets sometimes have them or ebay” – From Lisa